Jessica Fostekew and Nish Kumar come down our chimneys for this year's Christmas Special. And they bring with them a sack full of ice rescues, dodgy presents, evil families, wrapping paper, Santa Claus and Christmas Trees courtesy of expert guest Helen Cripps. Also within, discover which of our panel owns a lake... If you've ever wanted to bung us some money for all past episodes of Do The Right Thing, we've belatedly decided to jump on that bandwagon, and you can do so here: But if you don't have any spare cash to chuck our way, fear not, you can also give us the Christmas gift of exposure. Help spread the word about the show and assist us to get it into some new ears in 2018. Please do also 'like' our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter @DTRTpodcast and comment on iTunes. Merry Christmas!

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