Join Slidewhistle, Aaron, and Immunization as they talk about this week in World of Warcraft!

This week they continue to narrow down the playing field in the race for Sexiest NPC of the World/Year! If you haven't heard yet why the fuck haven't you got your hands on sweet little Dottie- this years charity pet. She's a keeper I tell you what.

To try and get your choice into the running, email us who you think is the sexiest at [email protected] or tweet at us at @DoNotRelentPod

Please send all your love, hate mail, and ole busted up granny panties to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at [email protected]! We will respond to literally anything.

Feel free to check our our new(-ish-ish) DNR Instagram account @DoNotRelent if that's something your interested in.  Fans of the written word can check out our newly LiveJournal at

Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes!  Every rating helps! :D