The panel discuss True Potential's latest Savings Gap research, analysing the data and how personal finance, savings behaviour, and consumer spending has changed in the past few months.  👉Jeff Casson, Chief Investment Officer, on Markets being more stable  👉What is the Savings Gap and how do we close it?  👉Has Savings behaviour changed during lockdown?  👉Which UK region has saved most?  👉How True Potential's impulseSave® technology can help to close the Savings Gap  👉The importance of compounding growth when little and often investing for your future  👉Will the UK be better savers after the lockdown experience?  👉David Harrison is proved right about his NHS tracking app prediction he made on the DMWYM Podcast months ago  👉Has David rushed to Primark now that the shops are back open?  👉Jeff talks about his favourite rock band  To see more from us, please follow us on:  👉Instagram:  👉Facebook:  👉Twitter:   👉LinkedIn:

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