How do I prepare for recession? Do I need a financial planner? How much do I need in an emergency find? This week, Daniel is answering your questions directly and offering his honest advice from his decades of experience as an entrepreneur.

A full list of questions is available in the Timestamp section below.

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This episode is available as a video on Spotify.

Welcome once again Dreamers, to the Do it with Dan Podcast! The place to truly dream with your eyes open. It's time to expand our experience with some more great discussion on the power of the mind in all things. Whether you want to manifest more wealth, emotional abundance or love in your life; this is the podcast for you.

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Music Credit: "The Dreamer", Common


00:18 - How can I prepare myself for recession in the US?

02:10 - How can I avoid the trap of get rich schemes?

03:11 - How much debt is too much debt?

03:56 - How much should I be spending on “fun stuff”?

04:44 - How soon do I need to start saving for retirement?

05:36 - What can I do when budgeting isn’t enough?

07:00 - How to share finances with your partner

08:10 - what actions can I take today, to start reducing my debt?

09:10 - How can I start making more money in the next five days?

10:44 - How can I enjoy working to reduce my debt?

11:23 - What can I realistically do to increase my income?

12:22 - What can I do to reverse bad credit?

13:52 - How can I take care of my kids on one income?

14:55 - How can I make a budget & still live the life I want?

15:30 - How much should I keep in my emergency fund?

16:50 - Do I need a financial planner? I only have a small budget

17:50 - To what degree does money control happiness?

18:23 - What is the

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