Are you hard on yourself for still having a 9-5? Do you beat yourself up for not following the ‘right’ routines and practices? It’s time to forge your own path!

Welcome once again Dreamers, to the Do it with Dan Podcast! The place to truly dream with your eyes open. It's time to expand our experience with some more great discussion on the power of the mind in all things. Whether you want to manifest more wealth, emotional abundance or love in your life; this is the podcast for you.

It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed by what we read about successful people. I’m sure you’ve been there before: reading that so-and-so millionaire gets up at 5:00 every morning and stands on his/her head for two hours (or whatever) and then beating yourself up for not doing the same!

What works for others isn’t necessarily what is going to work for you! The lesson we should be learning is that they found what worked for them!!

In this episode of the Do it With Dan podcast, Daniel has a brilliant conversation with Jeremiah ‘Jay’ Washington about the perils and pitfalls of believing what the already successful want you to believe.

Jay and his team over at The Success Bug are helping thousands escape the 9-5, one episode at a time. By interviewing successful business owners, entertainers, and self-made millionaires, they’re helping make entrepreneurship achievable. All of their guests have a few things in common: they’re young, they’ve faced different hurdles, and have distinct views on what defines “success.” Escape the 9-5, one episode at a time.

Daniel’s episode of the Success Bug Podcast can be found here:

Now…on with the show.

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Social handle: @thesuccessbug

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Music Credit: "The Dreamer", Common

Timestamps of interest:

00:58 - Welcome Jay

06:18 - There is always time to do something!

12:15 - Smashing the cookie cutter

16:15 - Learning what really matters for success

20:24 - Don’t believe the ‘Dan Bilzerian lifestyle’

24:17 - Seven months in & a bit of an accident - let Jay save you time

30:00 - What’s next up for Success Bug?

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