Previous Episode: 006. Q&A Session 2
Next Episode: 008. Q&A Session 3

It is my pleasure to introduce this week's guest, Sharon King. Sharon is creator of Matrix Birth Reimprinting, an evolutionary protocol that enables us to rewrite our birth experience. Sharon has worked with thousands of people all over the world to rewrite their birth stories, often with a remarkable impact on their lives in the present. She has taught practitioners how to help others transform their experience of being in utero and birth too. She also works with pregnant women, to help them to have an empowered, natural birth, and with parents whose children experienced a birth trauma.

I look forward to reading Sharon’s book this week as part of my “Book a Week Challenge”, but hope that the insights she shared on this podcast shine a light on another route to taking your power back and Dreaming With Your Eyes Open.

Connect with Sharon via:

Music Credit: "The Dreamer", Common