Faith > Fear Series

In this episode, I discuss the journey of Nicole Jasien, a mother, wife and metastatic breast cancer thriver.  Originally diagnosed in 2012 Stage 3C at the age of 28, she was later diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer with bone metastasis.  She is currently experiencing LMD (leptomeningeal disease). 

Nicole is a proclaimed lover of Jesus.  We discuss her favorite bible verses and how faith is about having a relationship with God.  She experiences God in nature and knows that God has a purpose and a plan for her.  Nicole asks for prayer warriors to help her. 

Nicole discusses how gratitude shifts her attitude each and every day.  There is always something to be grateful for.  She also discusses how sharing your story makes a difference. You never know the lives and the impact that your story can have on others.

Please note that DJ Breast Cancer was listed as a Top Breast Cancer Podcast!