Erin Powers, metastatic breast cancer survivor describes her initial diagnosis of breast cancer (Stage 2) and then metastatic breast cancer, after scans.

Erin talks about life in the midst of cancer, positivity and wants to be her own statistic.  She describes the rabbit hole of googling metastatic breast cancer.  

Erin talks about the importance of research.  We are all AWARE that breast cancer exists, but more is needed for Stage 4.  Erin describes her October trip to Washington DC to talk to members of Congress and representatives to make changes that can help others with disability waiting periods, medication costs and more funding for Metastatic Breast Cancer.

Erin talks about Harry Potter, celebrations after diagnosis and how life has changed (and stayed the same).  Erin is real and authentic, strong and vulnerable.  Together, we start discussions on how we can bridge early and late stage breast cancer.