I would like to give honor to my mother while she is alive. This is dedicated to all mothers in the world. Thank you mom for being the person you are because it made me the man that I am today. This is my definition of a mother.

A mother is more than just a woman
A mother is more than just a wife
A mother has brought to this world a new born
A mother has brought to this world life

A mother is one with love and honor
A mother comforts you day and night
A mother; a new one every hour
A mother teaches wrong from right

A mother knows when you are worried
A mother knows when you are joyed
A mother knows when you are sorry
A mother knows just what's inside

A mother needs your love forever
A mother needs to see your smile
There's no better gift for mama
Than her very awesome little child

Mother, you are a very special person in my life and when I go to sleep at night, I tell god thank you for given me my special gift and that is a mother that love her children. All of the above and more represent my mom. This Podcast is dedicated to Mrs. Evelyn Rockett Cummings... Love you mom!!!