Since I have not put a mix up for ages I’ve made this one almost 3 hours long.

All Vinyl, tracks from Christian Loffler, Frankey & Sandrino, KiNK, Ame, Traumer, Jamie XX, Alan Fitzpatrick, David August, Damian Lazarus, Of Norway and loads more, even a bit of Sade.

Recorded live on a Tascam SS-R200 using 2x technics 1200 GLD Turntables and a Super Stereo DN78 Phantom Valve MK2 mixer.

this is straight from the recorder, no post production or mastering etc, press play, put a record on, repeat then upload to here.

also this is the first time I have used this mixer, it landed 2.5 hours before I did this mix, you can tell too with the first couple of mixes they are a bit sketchy! stick with it though, old form resumes shortly after ;)