No effects, no computers, no midi controlled software/effects, just me on my decks pulling tunes out and mixing them with a simple 2 channel mixer, without high mid low pots it might be worth noting, press record and go!
really enjoyed this, will do more vinyl only mixes in the future.


1 – Coma - Playground Altona
2 – Michel De Hey - Snert (Paul Kalkbrenner remix)
3 – Gabriel Ananda - alpha
4 – Extrawelt - Titleheld (petar Dundov RMX)
5 – Gabriel Ananda - Smash
6 – DK7 - The Difference
7 – Fairmont - Ununoctium
8 – Davis & May - Mono Chroma
9 – The Knife - We Share Our Mothers Health (Trentemoller Remix)
10 – Rone - So So So

Total Play Time – 1h 2mins 56 seconds
Size - 86.5MB

The Cøntrølled Cønfusiøn pødcasts are før prømøtiønal use ønly, if yøu like the released tracks used, please suppørt the artists and purchase the music.


før møre inførmatiøn abøut Gary Werbisky visit his website ør myspace.

This mix was made using 2x Technics SL-1200GLD turntables a Technics SH-EX1200 mixer and recorded using a Alesis iMultimix8 iPod recorder.

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