Episode #306 of DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven mixshow is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new tracks from **I Ya Toyah | NECRØ | Caput Medusae | Simon Carter (ft. for all the emptiness) | Mortal Realm | PSYCHOSOMATIK | < PIG >**

You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version of my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, etc on my Linktree at https://linktr.ee/asurasunil

**You can also join me for my “I LIKE STUFF” live stream on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/djasurasunil every Monday night at 10:30pm WET / 5:30pm Eastern US / 4:30pm Central US / 2:30pm Pacific US**

Spread the music!!! Please FAVORITE, REPOST, and SHARE it on all platforms!!!

Comments are always welcome and appreciated!


I Ya Toyah - Sunday Seven Intro

I Ya Toyah - Denial

NECRØ - Into Oblivion

Caput Medusae - You Can't Negotiate With Zombies

Simon Carter (ft. for all the emptiness) - Infect What You Reject

Mortal Realm - The Face


< PIG > - Dum Dum Bullet