Today’s guest is an inventor, researcher, military intelligence veteran, economist, agriculturalist, systems developer, societal explorer, cyclist, hiker, outdoorsman, and the author of Destination North Pole: 5000 km by bicycle. Gary Wietgrefe

Destination North Pole: 5,000 km by bicycle

Relating to Ancient Culture: And the mysterious agent changing it

Relating to Ancient Learning: As it influences the 21st century

For years without a car or home, Gary and his wife, Patricia, traveled the world with a backpack and observed: Some places had bookstores and family-owned “mom and pop shops”; others did not. Some brick and mortar retailers thrived in places while others strived to stay alive. Why?

In many locations, education was intermittent with children helping families survive. Elsewhere, too many children forced schools to operate two shifts. Often in the developed world, children were skipping school. He investigated why there were differences.

As an inventor, researcher, military intelligence veteran, economist, agriculturalist, systems developer, societal explorer, and author, Gary observed and documented his findings from his many travels and experiences.

What does ancient mean? Could the difference between modern and ancient be the same reason grandparents buy books and newspapers and younger generations read electronic books, blogs, and engage social media on devices?

His books Culture and the mysterious agent changing it and Learning as it influences the 21st century help answer those profound questions.