Next Episode: Spring B.S. Session

In this podcast Garrett does a quick review of all of the boots he has used for whitetail hunting over the past several years. Some boots have served as great all around options for scouting, turkey hunting, and western hunting in addition to whitetails, while others are very specific use.

The boots reviewed in this podcast share a similarity. None of them are rubber. That isn't to say that rubber boots are inferior - certainly they have their place. That being said, there are lace up options that many whitetail hunters overlook because of reasons such as scent control that can really be great options due to their support, weight, and breathability.

One important characteristic of boots for the later whitetail systems is insulation and warmth. While Garrett has packed in heavy pack boots to change into at the tree, he also believes there can be better options to have insulated feet without dealing with moisture from sweat on the walk in.