Reacting with aggression feels good in the moment, powerful even. Perhaps you believe that taking the high road in the divorce process puts you at a disadvantage, making you look weak—as if you’re letting the other person off the hook for their behavior. But Monique Honaman argues that the next best decision is not the one born from anger. In fact, the smart choices that work for your family long-term require the presence of mind to take emotion out of the equation.

Monique had no aspirations to write a book. But as she navigated her own divorce, Monique received phone call after phone call from women with questions about the process. After a conversation around collaborative divorce at an unrelated business conference, someone suggested that Monique write a book. That night in her hotel room, she sat down with her laptop and outlined the chapters that would become The High Road Has Less Traffic.

Since then, Monique has written a follow-up, The High Road Has Less Traffic and a Better View. Today, she joins Katherine to share the meaning behind her shrewd titles, explaining why taking the high road is not synonymous with weakness. Monique speaks to her experience with collaborative divorce, discussing how a professional team can facilitate the division of assets and drafting of a parenting plan. Listen in for Monique’s insight around determining your end game and leveraging the power of forgiveness to free yourself and move forward.

Topics Covered
The isolation and fear experienced by people in the divorce process

Monique’s definition of ‘the high road’

Why the next best decision is not always the easiest

The benefit of making decisions from a place of logic rather than emotion

How to consider the long-term impact of your choices

Why Monique is a proponent of the collaborative divorce process

How a professional team helped facilitate Monique’s divorce

Parenting plan
Division of assets
The differences between a collaborative and a litigious, traditional divorce

The value of assessing your end game in the divorce process

The misconception that the law is interested in the facts that led to divorce

Monique’s insight on the power of forgiveness

Doesn’t mean excusing behavior
Frees you up to move forward

Connect with Monique Honaman
Monique’s Website:

The High Road Has Less Traffic: Honest Advice on the Path Through Love and Divorce by Monique A. Honaman:

The High Road Has Less Traffic … and a Better View by Monique A. Honaman:

Janis Abrahms Spring:

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