Though you may not like your ex all that much, your pet doesn’t harbor the same resentment. Yet our companion animals often get caught in the middle and end up being used as bargaining chips in a divorce settlement that doesn’t serve the people or the pets involved. Rather than taking the fight to court, where pets are viewed as property, mediation serves as a more appropriate alternative—an alternative that allows both parties to be a part of a solution-oriented discussion around conflicts over animals.

Debra Vey Voda-Hamilton is a conflict coach, mediator and principal attorney with Hamilton Law & Mediation, a firm that uses alternative dispute resolution to foster peaceful solutions in conflicts over animals. A pioneer in the field, Debra speaks widely on the top of how mediation techniques can help people address conflicts without litigation, and she has been featured in Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, and US News and World Report, among many other. She is also the author of Nipped in the Bud, Not in the Butt: How to Use Mediation to Resolve Conflicts over Animals.

Today, Debra joins Katherine to discuss the important role companion animals play in our lives and recent court cases involving the ownership of animals. She explains how pets serve as a source of comfort, especially in the aftermath of a difficult separation or divorce. Listen in for insight on how the mediator can help a divorcing couple hear each other ‘for the first time’ and design a custody arrangement that serves the people, the children and the pets involved.

Topics Covered

The important role of companion animals in our lives
The judge’s decision in the case of Travis v. Murray
How to recognize that when you’re projecting your feelings on the animal
Why pets are considered property under the law
Why mediators need to ask about pets up front
The benefits of having a companion animal
How to determine what arrangement is in the best interest of the animal
How relationships with pets tend to deepen after a separation or divorce
How pets serve as a source of comfort
The value of mediation in helping parties come to a creative solution
• Hear other party through reflection of mediator
• Consider what life looks like without pet
The cottage industries that provide transportation for pets
The danger of considering ‘who the pet loves more’ in decision-making

Connect with Debra Vey Voda-Hamilton

Hamilton Law & Mediation:
Hamilton Law on Twitter:
Email [email protected]
Call (914) 273-1085


Nipped in the Bud, Not in the Butt: How to Use Mediation to Resolve Conflicts over Animals by Debra Vey Vonda-Hamilton:
Travis v. Murray:
‘Peacemaking in the Dog Wars’ Blog:

Connect with Katherine Miller

The Center for Understanding Conflict:
Miller Law Group:
Katherine on LinkedIn:
The New Yorker’s Guide to Collaborative Divorce by Katherine Miller:
Email: [email protected]
Call (914) 738-7765

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