Divorce is difficult enough. But if you’ve been married for many years and your identity is wrapped up in your role as a partner and parent, the process can be even more fraught. What makes midlife divorce particularly challenging? And how do you move on from a relationship that defined you for so long?

Fiona Eckersley is the Confidence Coach and Divorce Recovery Expert behind Find Your Fabulous, a coaching practice that helps women in their forties and beyond heal after divorce. She is also the creator of the Fabulous and Thriving Midlife Divorce Program and author of the Amazon bestseller Fearful to Fabulous: Unlock Your Power, Move On, and Thrive After Midlife Divorce.

On this episode, Fiona joins Katherine to discuss the particular challenges associated with midlife divorce. She explains what it means to unlock your power in the aftermath of divorce, offering strategies for quieting negative self-talk and recognizing the truth of who you really are. Listen in for Fiona’s 7-step process for moving on after midlife divorce and learn why it’s crucial to do the inner work before you repartner.

Topics Covered

The particular challenges that come with midlife divorce
What it means to unlock your power after a divorce
Quieting negative self-talk with the truth of who you really are
How Fiona’s experience with midlife divorce informs her work
What Fiona did to build a support system after divorce
The destructive coping mechanisms Fiona sees in her work
Fiona’s 7-step process for moving on after midlife divorce
Stop focusing on what life was supposed to be
Face the financial realities
Eliminate bad habits
Release anger and reframe emotions
Replace negative self-talk with positive dialogue
Examine how relationships have changed
Establish goals and create a pathway
Why it’s crucial to do the inner work before we repartner

Connect with Fiona Eckersley
Find Your Fabulous: https://findfabulouswithfiona.com/
Email [email protected]
Schedule a Call with Fiona: https://callfabfiona.as.me/schedule.php
Free Download of Fearful to Fabulous: https://fabwithfiona.lpages.co/book-title-free-gift/

Connect with Katherine Miller

The Center for Understanding Conflict: http://understandinginconflict.org/
Miller Law Group: https://westchesterfamilylaw.com/
Katherine on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kemiller1
The New Yorker’s Guide to Collaborative Divorce by Katherine Miller: https://www.amazon.com/New-Yorkers-Guide-Collaborative-Divorce/dp/0692496246
Email: [email protected]
Call (914) 738-7765

Fearful to Fabulous: Unlock Your Power, Move On, and Thrive After Midlife Divorce by Fiona Eckersley: https://www.amazon.com/Fearful-Fabulous-Unlock-Midlife-Divorce-ebook/dp/B07NF9ZDVV