What story are you telling yourself about your divorce?

Blaming your ex may seem justified, but that story only gets you stuck in a victim mentality with no control over your own life.

So, how do you rewrite your story and start building an empowered life post-divorce?

Kimberly Kelley is the neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) practitioner and hypnotherapist behind Reinvent Yourself, a program that helps newly single people create the life they want.

She is also the author of No Blame No Shame: Living an Empowered Life After Divorce, where she describes the profound changes she made after her own marriage of 30 years came to an end.

On this episode of Divorce Dialogues, Kimberly joins Katherine to discuss how the stories we tell ourselves affect our experience of divorce.

Kimberly explains how the internal shame of another failed marriage drove her fears around what other people would think and describes how hypnotherapy empowered her to imagine a life beyond divorce.

Listen in for Kimberly’s advice on navigating a divorce you didn’t choose and learn how NLP can help you reframe your divorce as a growth opportunity rather than a mistake!

Topics Covered

How NLP is the study of how we communicate with ourselves
How we can leverage neuro-linguistic programming to live a more empowered life
How the stories we tell ourselves affect our experience of divorce
How Kimberly’s internal shame drove her fears of what other people would think of her divorce
Reframing your negative self-talk around divorce into something constructive
How Kimberly helps people reframe their divorce story as a growth opportunity vs. a mistake
Why blaming your ex-spouse puts you into a victim mentality
Why Kimberly suggests exploring what you got out of your marriage
How Kimberly uses hypnotherapy to help people imagine a life beyond divorce
Kimberly’s advice for navigating a divorce you didn’t choose

Connect with Kimberly Kelley

Body Mind Spirit Healing Arts:
Kimberly on Facebook:
Email [email protected]

Connect with Katherine Miller

The Center for Understanding Conflict: http://understandinginconflict.org/
Miller Law Group: https://westchesterfamilylaw.com/
Katherine on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kemiller1
The New Yorker’s Guide to Collaborative Divorce by Katherine Miller: https://www.amazon.com/New-Yorkers-Guide-Collaborative-Divorce/dp/0692496246
Email: [email protected] 
Call (914) 738-7765


No Blame No Shame: Living an Empowered Life After Divorce by Kimberly Kelley:
Peggy McColl’s Power Life Script: