If you divorced someone with a high-conflict personality, you may be concerned about repeating the same cycle in your next partnership. What steps can you take to reflect on the dynamics of your relationships and develop radar for people with high-conflict personalities?

An international expert on managing disputes involving high-conflict personalities, Bill Eddy is the co-founder and Training Director of the High Conflict Institute. In addition, he is a Certified Family Law Specialist and Senior Family Mediator with the National Conflict Resolution Center in San Diego. Bill has written several books, including Dating Radar: Why Your Brain Says Yes to ‘The One’ Who Will Make Your Life Hell and 5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life: Identifying and Dealing with Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Other High-Conflict Personalities.

Today, Bill joins Katherine to share the four warning signs for people with high-conflict personalities. He explains how high-conflict people can jam your radar with fake compatibility and how to leverage your friends and family for insight. He addresses why you should finish grieving the loss of a previous relationship before committing to new one, describing the danger in using a relationship to feel okay about yourself. Listen in to understand why people commit to relationships with high-conflict personalities despite the red flags, how to identify behaviors exhibited by high-conflict people, and how to manage high-conflict personalities if you can’t avoid them entirely.

Topics Covered
The four warning signs for people with high-conflict personalities

All-or-nothing thinking
Unmanaged emotion
Extreme behavior
Preoccupation with blaming others
How high-conflict people can jam your radar with fake compatibility

The value in asking friends and family for their insight on your partner

Why you must finish grieving a loss before committing to a new relationship

Why Bill recommends waiting at least a year before committing to marriage

The reasons why people commit to relationships despite red flags

The five types of high-conflict people who can ruin your life

Narcissists, sociopaths, borderline, histrionic and paranoid
The extreme behaviors exhibited by people with high-conflict personalities

How to manage high-conflict people if you can’t avoid them altogether

Connect with Bill Eddy
High Conflict Institute: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/
National Conflict Resolution Center: https://www.ncrconline.com/


Dating Radar: Why Your Brain Says Yes to ‘The One’ Who Will Make Your Life Hell by Bill Eddy and Megan Hunter: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/bookstores/dating-radar

5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life: Identifying and Dealing with Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Other High-Conflict Personalities by Bill Eddy: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/bookstores/5-types-of-people-who-can-ruin-your-life

Connect with Katherine Miller

The Center for Understanding Conflict: http://understandinginconflict.org/
Miller Law Group: https://westchesterfamilylaw.com/
Katherine on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kemiller1
The New Yorker’s Guide to Collaborative Divorce by Katherine Miller: https://www.amazon.com/New-Yorkers-Guide-Collaborative-Divorce/dp/0692496246
Email: [email protected]
Call (914) 738-7765
The New Yorker’s Guide to Collaborative Divorce by Katherine Miller

Email [email protected]

Call (914) 738-7765