Previous Episode: Morning With Jesus 4/3/18

Shashona Pelletier, lives in Alberta, Canada, a certified energetic healer in The Emotion Code. Throughout her life Shashona suffered from PTSD and could never get to the root of the problem. In 2009 Shashona heard of a new program called The Emotion Code founded by Dr. Nelson the program began her healing process she always looked for. In 2013 Shashona became a Emotion Code Therapist. In the past 5 years Shashona has engaged with several methods of healing including Reiki and Acupuncture offering hope to clientel suffering from a host of health issues with a high success rate, all preformed utilizing the art of distance healing. Do you have a short-fuse and overreact to innocent remarks or comments, have too much in you head, you can hardly get clear on what you want and when you think you do, you talk yourself out of it--maybe a pattern of being wishy-washy or indecisive? You want to have a bigger and more exciting life, but you feel too anxious to make any changes to the life you have now. Shashona has good news that you may find surprising. The reason you're feeling this way is that your negative emotions that you have experienced in the past are trapped. The path to your new reality is within The Emotion Code-a powerful and unique new approach to healing emotional pain.

You can sign up for a one hour session with Shashona and change your life with the Emotion Code!  A session is only $120. Call Shashona Pelletier at 780-707-1657. Or find her on Facebook:at:    Don't you deserve to heal?