Previous Episode: Morning With Jesus 5/3/18

Come and experience amazing healings with Barbara Grace Reynolds and Shashona!  Ask those questions that you have not been able to find the answers to.  Allow your life to change!

Shashona Pelletier, lives in Alberta, Canada, she is a certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Accupunturist and Reiki Healer. Throughout her life Shashona suffered from PTSD and could never get to the root of the problem. In 2009 Shashona heard of a new program called The Emotion Code founded by Dr. Nelson the program began her healing process. In 2013 Shashona became a Emotion Code Therapist. Now she offers hope to clientel suffering from a host of health issues with a high success rate, all preformed utilizing the art of distance healing. The reason you're feeling negative is because the negative emotions that you have experienced in the past are trapped within you. Conect:, or call her at 780-707-1657.

Barbara Grace Reynolds is a Freedom and Empowerment Coach, Divine Infinity Healer, Master's Solution practitioner, Conscious Channel, Speaker, Author and, Teacher, who assists others in transforming their lives. To learn more visit Barbara's websites at:, www.infinityhealingforwomen,

If you feel that this show and the work that I do has benefited you and you would like to have an energy exchange then feel free to go to my website: and make a donation.  This is just another way for you to bring balance into your life.  You are loved and appreciated.