The school year may still feel somewhat fresh and new, but did you know? The end is near! No, not necessarily the end of this school year. The Very End. What does this mean? Jesus made it clear that there will be a harvest of souls at the end of time when he comes back. None of us knows exactly when that day will be. That’s why our mission of changing lives with the good news of Jesus is ongoing, necessary, and urgent even to the very end. But the good news is Jesus hasn’t left us on our own until then. If he did, it would be almost impossible to carry on through the inevitable difficult days we face here on earth. But remember, this isn’t mission impossible. It’s mission possible! The Great Commission is our Co-mission with Jesus who leaves these words of promise ringing in our ears as we go out into the harvest field of this world, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

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