While living in this earth plane, the experience of loss is guaranteed as nothing in the world of form lasts. Though we come to inhabit bodies, we eventually lay them aside and transition back Home to the place where we came from and never truly left in actuality. Grief can stricken our psyches and make the human experience a burden at times. Bryan explores the topic of loss from a standpoint of what it means to heal and process grief with the help of others. Since loss is an experience that is universal to our human nature, we all are somewhat bound by our attachments to loved ones and to the memories we carry about those whom have passed on. Time does heal all wounds. Bryan shares the experiences of healing that his wife has gone through in dealing with her grief process. It is important to uplift others in our lives that we still have here while present on the earth plane. Letting go is not easy, by any means. Grief and attachment are temporary and are sources of suffering. True Love is eternal and cannot die, even when we lose someone who transitions from life within the human body. We need to know the difference between attachment to memories, neediness, co-dependence, reliance on others for certain forms of affirmation, self-identity, acceptance and the Reality of True Love that lives on after seeming to be separated from another through the process of death. Breakthrough moments require recognizing our attachments and releasing them in Love for the gravity of loss to be transcended.