How does desire drive our lives? Desire is a gift from the Divine, a fiery energy. How does desire aid in our awakening? Can desire energy, when harnessed allow us to evolve? Desire energy when not harnessed can lead to suffering. Bryan promotes a form of meditation he was taught that deals with desire energy taught by Anmol Mehta (, the Silent Mind Meditation Technique, a seven step process. The Cosmic Play of Forces within us causes the process of involution and evolution. Taking two steps forward, and three backwards at time. We can be taken hostage by our desires and the fluctuations of the mind. Bryan mentions the Yoga Sutras (Pantanjali) and how stilling the fluctuations of the mind brings peace. But our constant pursuits stemming from desire can bring suffering and dis-ease. Desire is a power that is operative in our conscious and subconscious minds. We are driven to excel and to accomplish. This is a good thing. What are some pursuits to let go of? The attachment to needing to be special or an individual (constant need to be affirmed for our identity through self-definitions), our attachment to needing to be successful at all costs, the attachment to excessive self-promotion and inflated self-worth, the desires for fame and recognition (very hard to let go of this need to be recognized and important), the incessant need for acceptance and praise (things that we let define our self-esteem), we can be driven by the need for false joy to counteract pain through indulgence, we can be driven by the need to avoid reality, to power, to be needed by others, obsessions with sensual pleasures, emotionality, external stimulation, co-dependence on others, the need to exert control, and more. How can we meditate on ways to harness our desires to reduce and eliminate suffering, or currents in the mind that drive us to pursue certain ideals. Most of our ideals are illusory however noble they may seem.