Pain and the ego are equated and you have a choice whether to suffer or not. Anytime you are in pain of any kind, you are experiencing the ego. We have the ability to program ourselves with happiness. When we are in Pure Presence or Essence, we are not identified with the ego. Though most therapeutic systems will tell you that you need to have healthy ego boundaries. Spirituality would say that you first need an ego in order to transcend an ego. We need to command a new Presence. The “Is-ness” of our True Nature is Presence and suffering is not desirable as is taught in many Eastern Spirituality traditions. Suffering is self-created. Bryan encourages people to put aside ingrained beliefs about suffering being somehow a sign of “holiness” or “worthiness”.  We do not need to crucify ourselves and need to take the crown of thorns off of our head and take the nails out of our hands and feet. Most of us in the West have been conditioned to believe that suffering is somehow admirable in the eyes of God. We are Infinitely Blessed, Loved, and “Need Do Nothing” to experience our Divinity. Pain comes from fear and emotions such as anger are draining to our life force. Anything that causes “dis-ease”, is not from our True Self. Only our egos can be offended. According to A Course In Miracles, God, who is beyond all gender, does not condemn nor inflict vengeance and suffering onto anyone out of punishment. We are whole, we are One, we are Innocent. Seeming to fall from grace is an illusion, it is not real, it is a “side show”. There is a way to live in moral harmony. When we hear words like “yield” and “surrender” yourself to a loving God. What it really means is being open and receptive to the Divine Flow of Life Force in our Being. Choosing to live in duality creates suffering as well.