In this episode we discuss ALL THINGS MYSTICAL. We hold the space for all things mystical and magical to flow through. Nicholas Pearson is a crsytal expert and he shares his top 3 crystals that will support all beings and why. We discuss what being a witch can mean, the power and responsibility of it. We take a look through Nicholas' eyes as to how being queer has supported a vessel for his magic. 

This is a conversation that is important and you will leave with many golden nuggets! 

About Nichols Pearson: 

Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for more than 20 years. He began teaching crystal workshops in high school, later studying mineral science at Stetson University’s Gillespie Museum. A certified teacher of Usui Reiki Ryoho, he teaches crystal and Reiki classes throughout the United States. The author of The Seven Archetypal Stones and Crystals for Karmic Healing, he lives in Orlando, Florida.