Hi friends, On this episode of Divine Intervention, we are joined by minister and talk show host, David Alan Carmichael. Under the banner of Freedom Ministries, David broadcasts his Faith & Freedom radio show in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area. He discusses the issues of the day from a constitutional, biblical and moral basis. He believes our freedom will come in proportion to our faith. In the mid-1990s, David was called by God to dissasociate himself from having or using a social security number, as it was revealed to him to be associated with the number of the beast found in...

Hi friends,


On this episode of Divine Intervention, we are joined by minister and talk show host, David Alan Carmichael.  Under the banner of Freedom Ministries, David broadcasts his Faith &
Freedom radio show
in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area.  He discusses the issues of
the day from a constitutional, biblical and moral basis.  He believes our freedom will come in proportion to our faith.  In the mid-1990s, David was called by God to dissasociate himself from having or using a social security number, as it was revealed to him to be associated with the number of the beast found in the Book of Revelation, and being used to set up the one world government of the anti-Christ.  As a result of his courageous stand, David was forced out of the U.S. Navy, and into a seven year, David vs. Goliath court case against the U.S. Government.  Against all odds, and with many miracles and Divine Interventions along the way, David was victorious in court, and was able to pave the way for others to stand their ground on this controversial and significant issue, and refuse to be numbered by the government.

Click the links below to hear this amazing story of the Lord's guidance, provision and miracles in David's life!


Download DI # 160 David Alan Carmichael FULL SHOW

Download DI # 160 David Alan Carmichael pt 1

Download DI # 160 David Alan Carmichael pt 2