Hi Friends, On this episode of DIvine Intervention we welcome Pastor Mujahid El Masih. Pastor El Masih grew up in Pakistan surrounded by religious confusion. Eventually, after having been forced to read and memorize the Koran in school, he became a passionate follower of Islam and was sold out for Islamic Jihad. He joined the Pakistani military where he was taught to hate India, Israel, Christians, Jews and the West. His goal was to die as a martyr for Allah while killing infidels, thereby securing for himself a place in Islamic Paradise. That is, until he experienced a powerful divine...

Hi Friends,

On this episode of DIvine Intervention we welcome Pastor Mujahid El Masih.  Pastor El Masih grew up in Pakistan surrounded by religious confusion.  Eventually, after having been forced to read and memorize the Koran in school, he became a passionate follower of Islam and was sold out for Islamic Jihad.  He joined the Pakistani military where he was taught to hate India, Israel, Christians, Jews and the West.  His goal was to die as a martyr for Allah while killing infidels, thereby securing for himself a place in Islamic Paradise.  That is, until he experienced a powerful divine intervention and the Lord spoke to him, warning him that he was on the path to destruction. 

He heeded the warning and left the Pakistani military and searched for the voice that spoke to him, eventually finding the answer when a pastor shared the good news of Jesus Christ with him.  Mujahid gave his life to Jesus and was radically changed from a man full of hatred and restlessness to one of love, joy and peace.  He went on to become a pastor and evangelist, and has since helped start many churches, schools and clinics in Pakistan.  He also faced much persecution, attacks and death threats from Muslims who were angry at his conversion and the work he was doing, yet God miraculously delivered him on many occasions. 

Pastor Masih now travels throughout the U.S. teaching the truth of Islam,
sharing his testimony and representing Voice of the Martyrs, an organization that serves and supports the persecuted church around the world. He
preaches and speaks in churches, schools, and to organizations every
week, while also overseeing the ministry of Faith Covenant International
in Pakistan.

Click the links below to hear the powerful testimony of God's divine guidance and protection in the life of Pastor Mujahid El Masih!


Download DI # 155 Mujahid El Masih FULL SHOW

Download DI # 155 Mujahid El Masih pt 1

Download DI # 155 Mujahid El Masih pt 2