Tonight, on Let's Talk: Love, Sex and Nutrition we are talking about LOVE.

Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure.  It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment.  Wikiipedia 

Love is biggerd than you are. You can invite love, but you cannot dictate how, when, and where love expresses itself. You can choose to surrender to love, or not, but in the end love strikes like lightening, unpredictable and irrefutable. You can even find yourself loving people you don't like at all.  Love does not come with conditions, stipulations, addenda, or codes. Like the sun, love radiates independently of our fears and desires. 

Love is inherently free.  It cannot be bought, sold or traded.  You cannot make someone love you, nor can you prevent it,  for any amount of money.  Love cannot be imprisoned nor can it be legislated. Love is not a substance, not a commodity, nor even a marketable power source. Love has no territory, no borders, no quantifiable mass or energy output.  Psychology Today 

What is LOVE to you?

Call 646-929-0630 and let's hear what LOVE means to YOU.

Share your Love Story, or a special LOVE Connection that may have transformed your Life.

Please, invite a friend, and let's share some LOVE Vibration tonight.


Peace and ONE LOVE!