Today’s Divine Download’s podcast guest, Registered Nurse Sue Allison Dean will have you excited to get out in nature and also consider how nature can help support you during this time of chaos and uncertainty.

Sue shares that, The Nature Nurse came about from a meditation. "Meditation became like a seat belt, I felt unsafe if I didn’t meditate". She did not know what it would be but she knew she had to pursue it. "Once you create it, it takes a life of it’s own".

Sue took a hard pivot in her nursing career to prioritize her family and grieve major loss in her life. This opportunity allowed her to spend time pursuing gardening that opened up copious amounts of healing and the download to create The Nature Nurse.  The Nature Nurse is all about Blending the Art of Caring With The Healing Power of Nature to Promote Wellness. The sky is the limit on what you can do and become as a nurse entrepreneur. 

This episode itself is healing and chock full of how sacred and healing being in nature is for the mind, body, and spirit and how it literally is like salve in helping process grief.

One of my favorite takeaways from the show is Sue’s download she received in a meditation: “The battle is not to survive, the battle is to live in this moment with joy”.

Even in times of great loss and grief, we can seek joy in this moment.

Grab your earbuds and your favorite spot in nature and tune in to the magic of today’s conversation.

To connect with Sue and all of the amazing nature resources, check out the following links:

Join the Healthy Green Thumbs Campaign:

Forest Walk Meditation:

Beach Trip Meditation:

Wholesale Flowerbulbs: Richard Louv Last Child in the Woods is the first book to bring together a new and growing body of research indicating that direct exposure to nature is essential for healthy childhood development and for the physical and emotional health of children and adults.

Heather Taylor, creator of the Grieving Pin:

Susan Allison-Dean, RN, MS, AHN-BC,CCAP has been a nurse for nearly 30 years and has practiced in several different roles over the years. In 1999, however, she made a hard pivot from traditional disease care nursing into one of her passions nature.  She is a Board Certified Advanced Holistic Nurse and Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Professional and the founder of The Nature Nurse.  You can learn more at and follow her on social media @TheNatureNurse.

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