The coolest thing about running your own biz and having your own podcast is that you get to make up the rules.  

I am totally celebrating today because not only is this my 13th episode, but a week from today I will turn 47! I am overcome with gratitude and joy and have this new sense of confidence and such incredible courage that I have not truly experienced until now. It feels AMAZING. Won’t you celebrate with me? 

Today I thought I would offer a treat for both your heart and imagination by doing a card reading during the podcast.  

I am using my oracle card deck, Divine Downloads for the reading.  

This card deck is a super simple tool that helps you bridge your heart and thinking mind in this beautiful space of imagination and pure acceptance.  

You can the card deck to start a meditation practice or to start a journal practice using a card as a journal prompt. You can use them if you are having a hard time accepting something or having difficulty making an important decision. They are also oodles of fun for a girls night out or when at a party!! 

Here’s a secret. Adulting and conditioning has wiped out our capacity to let loose a little bit and we certainly don’t have enough “play time” or time to nurture the creative side of ourselves. This is tragic because the only way to access your intuition is through your imagination.  

So, how did this resonate for you? Which card did you choose?  

What does it mean for you?  

How will you use this information going forward? 

Until next time, I adore you. 

Big love,  


#cardreading #divinedownloads #meditation #stillness #compassion #selflove #healing #faith #wisdom #healer #nurse #holisticnurse #heartchakra #imagination #intuition