Nationwide, officials have arrested more than 13,000 people in 39 U.S. cities since May 27. In some of the cities that released the addresses of arrested individuals, the vast majority lived in the cities and towns closest to the protests. So much for the idea of the out-of-towners..

Trump bowed to pressure on Friday night and announced that he would delay his upcoming campaign rally in Tulsa, Okla., rather than hold it on the day that honors the end of slavery in the United States and is considered a major holiday by many African-Americans. The Trump campaign’s decision to hold a rally on Juneteenth in Tulsa, the site of the country’s bloodiest outbreak of racial violence, generated huge blowback amid the national reckoning over race and justice in the United States.

His administration also choose the 4th anniversary of the Pulse Night Club Shooting in Orlando to announce the end of Obama-era policies that protected LGBTQ patients from discrimination and required robust language translation services, unnerving health experts who worry vulnerable populations will face further risks during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Trump isn’t stupid and those dates aren’t coincidences.