What does natural health mean to women? We will find out on today's show with Host, Kelli Claypool, as she talks with Dr. Stephen and Janet Lewis of Doctors Nutrition. 

Natural health is the natural approach to healing and maintaining good health. It’s the practice that works on the premise of when the body is nourished naturally it can heal itself and possibly even prevent some illnesses. For women this means taking care of your health in natural ways including eating right, exercising, practicing holistic medicine and maintaining a healthy emotional sense. A well-balanced diet is almost impossible to achieve from today’s food sources. And if you have dieted for any number of years, your body has most likely been deprived of a large number of vitamins and minerals it needs. Supplements will speed up the process of increasing your positive health benefits since they help the body detoxify and strengthen the immune system.

Women who suffer from PMS, menopausal symptoms and chronic backaches among other health problems often can’t find the relief from conventional health care. However many find that regular exercise reduces the pain and in some cases stops it completely. Natural Medicine is meant to be a preventative form of health care. There are times when even the body’s natural defenses are not enough and disease such as cancer or chronic pain still occurs. Alternative medicine treatments are natural and non-invasive. The idea is to nurture a well-balanced and well-nourished body that can fight infections, resist disease and heal itself while aging gracefully.

We will be discussing all of this and so much more on the next DivaTalkRadio show.