When looking for property in the mountains, I grew frustrated by what the Realtor was showing me. Nothing fit my specifications, I was probably over-thinking things, as I often do. Then, I stepped foot on a piece of property and I knew in my gut that it was the one. I had to have this piece of property but I knew nothing about it. I felt it in my being that it was to be mine. How did I know? Intuition!

As a mom, you know what’s going on with your kids without them even telling you. It’s what I call a ‘momma’s intuition’ and it’s real! You know when you’re kid is not telling the truth…how? You just know. You know something is wrong (or right) even before they say something. Momma just knows!

“Intuition, or a sixth sense, is something many of us rely on for snap judgments and often life-altering decisions. But what exactly is it? A 2008 study in the British Journal of Psychology defined intuition as what happens when the brain draws on past experiences and external cues to make a decision — but it happens so fast that the reaction is at an unconscious level.” (webMD.com)

It’s the gut feeling you get when faced with making a decision. I knew in my gut that I had to buy this mountain property…it’s the farm that I live on today. I knew when my daughters were having boyfriend troubles before they told me. It’s a woman’s intuition…something that a man rarely has. It’s the inner voice that speaks to you and when you’re tuned in, you are powerful!

So how do you use intuition to unleash your personal greatness? Our guest, Beverley Golden, will share step-by-step ways to do just that on this episode of DivaTalkRadio.