DANGER?  From where? My CHOLESTEROL? I take the med's my DOCTOR prescribes. My cholesterol is UNDER control! WHY do I NEED anything more?
Dr. Paul Faerstein, our next guest on DivaTalkRadio, is the Chief Science Officer at Prescription Vitamins LLC and owner of Zuckerman Pharmacy in Brooklyn, New York.  Dr. Faerstein is concerned with statin drugs and the possible side affects that can happen.
Dr. Faerstein says,  “Statins are good drugs that can save lives,  but, as with most medications, their benefits come with a price. The key is to leverage these benefits, while preventing this nutrient depletion that can also seriously harm us.  In some cases, the negative side effects can be more serious than expected, and obscure enough that the patient doesn't make the connection. Some can, ironically, increase the odds of heart attack and stroke, while others have been known to cause an Alzheimer’s-like condition called Trans Global Amnesia."
Statinzyme could be the answer to the statin problems. It is a supplement that contains  high-potency fish oil, evening primrose oil, coenzyme Q10, flax seed oil, natural vitamin D3, resveratrol, folic acid, B12 and B6.
You DO NOT want to miss this show. As always, Kelli brings the most amazing guests to DivaTalkRadio. Be sure to share this information with your friends so that they can be inspired, empowered and encouraged too.
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