Regina Baker is the founder of, a site that caters to Work At Home Moms (thus the name.) She provides a service that allows moms that run their own businesses with “full e-commerce” solutions. In order to clarify that little bit of business-speak, I’d like to quote Regina’s website on the matter. According to her homepage, WAHMcart is “a full featured ecommerce solution software that allows you to manage your Products, Sales, Prospects, Clients and Affiliates all in one place.” We believe that small business dominate a large portion of the market place however, a huge percentage of small businesses miss the opportunity to provide a secure environment like wahmcart due to the lack of funds. Therefore they settle for free carts and not as secure or easy shopping options for potential customers.

This is why Wahmcart was born. Our goal is to educate the small business individual (sole proprietors) and companies with ecommerce solutions that will allow them to work smarter, not harder while at the same time providing an affordable solution that the “average” person can afford. So, join us as we learn from this amazing woman!