So Divas, have you thought about going back to school and getting a college education? I think about it all the time! Now that my youngest child has moved away to college, I have plenty of time to devote to furthering my education and it’s definitely something that I’m considering. One of the things that interests me is taking online college courses. In this episode of DivaTalkRadio, I will be talking with Jacqueline Myers about that very subject…online college courses. If this peaks your interest, listen in as we plan to talk about the pros and cons of online college courses. 

As always, our online chat room will be open during the live show for you to ask questions, share your ah-ha moments, or simply acknowledge what we’re discussing. 

Invite your friends to join us!
Come prepared and I’ll see YOU on the show!

~ xoxo Kelli ~


Jacqueline Myers has been improving writing skills since the 1990’s and is still hard at work, struggling to put an end to comma splices and stamp out accidental plagiarism. She is an online college English professor and a freelance writer & editor, as well as the owner & writing expert at Nitty-Gritty English, a site dedicated to providing academic writing tips to the reluctant college writer.