If you stand still in one place for too long, you become stale, stagnate, and your voice becomes less and less heard. I'm thrilled about this show because I will be introducing you to our new contributors and sharing my vision for the future of the DivaTalk Network. I believe you will find our direction to be fresh, welcoming, and appealing to Divas across the globe.


Gina Parris is an amazing Peak Performance Coach. Her message is empowering folks to live life at their highest potential. This is done so in marriage as well. Gina brings an unique perspective on God-based marriages, relationships, and fully capturing the gifts that you've been given.

Bolaji Oyejide is an amazing Dad. Even though his day-to-day life consists of computers and other geeky things, he's most excited of being a Dad to two young boys. As a child growing up in Nigeria, he lived wild adventures through books, for which today he's an author himself. Bolaji brings an unique perspective to parenting through a Godly father's eyes.  I'm thrilled to call him our resident DIVO!

Sheri Prest-Herman is the woman behind the scenes and the one who makes, our Host & Founder, Kelli Claypool, look good. Sheri dots the i's and crosses the t's around the DivaNetwork. She is a mom, grandmom, and Entrepreneur who assists small business owners with making their content visible and marketable.

Be sure to mark your calendars to listen LIVE to this show. I guarantee you laughter, tears of joy, and a Diva-licious good time!