Women have the incredible ability to take difficult situations and turn them into personal triumphs regardless of their circumstances. In her book, Common Threads - How Women Weave Tribulation into Triumph, Michelle Candland hopes that the stories she shares brings something positive, something empowering, and something inspiring that will help spark a passion to find their place in the world and make a difference no matter what the past has held.
Common Threads is filled with real life experiences, uplifting quotes, helpful tools for self improvement and numerous resources for personal growth. What you do with what you’ve learned has no limits—know that you are not alone, you are surrounded by people who truly want you to succeed and you are worth it!
Common Threads is a compilation of almost 60 years of Michelle’s personal experiences, ranging from early childhood memories, to adult “ah ha!” moments. It is a collection of little somethings that would later prove to be the cause of big somethings, joyful muses, sad observations, sources of pride, causes of embarrassment, and even periods of disgrace. All are threads of experience that are woven together to make up her life tapestry. There were times when she thought she had more unraveling than weaving going on; times when the texture was loose, the colors were dark, and the pattern was ill conceived. Other times, the edges of the images were precise, the colors were rich, and the big picture was filled with both accomplishment and hope for a brighter tomorrow.
Join the Divas during this inspiring show.