Do you have the courage and confidence to take control of your life, find your true self, and create an authentic life of happiness and success! For many women this is a challenge. The questions of confidence and self-esteem are ones that begins from a very young age and only grows in importance as we do. From our relationships, to body image, to career and personal achievements, the truth is that the level we believe in ourselves and the effort we put toward building confidence affects every aspect of who we are, how we live and what we accomplish. 

Our Featured Guest is Shari Yantes will join Kelli Claypool to discuss the importance of courage and confidence for success in all areas of our lives.

About Shari Yantes:

Shari is a Personal Success Coach and Author who has been coaching, mentoring, speaking and training for 20+ years.

Shari’s open communication style and thought provoking conversational techniques as well as her diverse life experiences allow you to connect and an intimate, intense and individual level.  

Overcoming many challenges of her own and thriving in spite of or because of them, Shari will help you take control of your life and find your way to an authentic thriving life. 

To learn more about Shari, visit