It’s a new year and you’ve got your goals all planned out for 2014.  Have you considered creating a theme that will remind you of your goals?

Designing your ultimate theme is a personal slogan or tagline that will be a reminder of where you are right now and where you want to be by the end of 2014.

What personal statement can you make that will sum up your goals? What personal tagline can you create that will “ignite” you to bring your goals to reality?

Perhaps you want to spend more time with your family. You want to go to the movies more with your kids or spouse. You want to learn to play the guitar with your son or take your daughter to ballet more often. You want to take several mini family vacations or weekend trips. You want to spend less time working and more time enjoying your family. So, your theme could be The Year of Family!

You see, when you have a personal theme, you’re setting yourself up for success.  Your theme is designed to keep you focused and on track to achieving your goals. Regardless if your theme is for your personal or business goals, it’s time for you to create the life you want right now!

Be sure to join our Host, Kelli Claypool, in this refreshing episode of DivaTalkRadio and design YOUR personal theme for 2014. Our intereactive chat room will be open during the live show!

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