As the former nanny for a couple with five children, Candi Wingate quickly learned about the needs of a modern day family. Her family’s daily routine began with getting the children up and dressed, feeding them breakfast, packing lunches, making sure all teeth and hair were properly brushed, and then shuttling them out the door to school. This was performed almost entirely before sunrise!

Then there was: grocery shopping, cleaning house, doing laundry, feeding the babies (newborn twins), putting them down for a nap, getting them up, running errands, and getting a jump on dinner before the big kids came home just…so…she…could…help with homework, help with dinner, wash the dishes (and the kids!) and, finally, place them securely in bed with lots of hugs and kisses.

As a nanny, Candi gave these parents the support they needed to keep their children healthy and happy. She gave them the gift of stress relief, increased job performance, happy children…a happy family. And then another miracle, she says…“I became divinely inspired with the gift of match making, matching families with the right nanny or babysitter for their children.”

It was 1994 and Candi, now a wife, purchased her very own nanny placement agency. Soon after, was born. Based in Nebraska and serving all of the U.S. and Canada, this booming online database registry serves more than 500,000 families, nannies, and babysitters. “Years ago, families spent around $800 – $5,000 for an agency to place a nanny in the home.