In this episode of DivaTalkRadio, I will share the 5 things I've learned about being a widow. On March 19 of this year (2015), my darling and most loving husband died in my arms after battling liver cancer. While I thought I was prepared, the realization of his death put me in a total tailspin. From personally witnessing what the body goes through as it is dying, the shutting down of organs, the color changes of the skin, the smell...smell of death and dying; to feeling alone, afraid, panicking, and losing hope of growing old together. The experience was hard and continues to be hard today. 

Through my faith and close friends, I'm slowly walking in GRACE and learning about myself everyday. I'm learning that there are days that I feel on top of the world, then other days that I'm paralyzed and not wanting to get out of bed. However, through it all, I am a survivor.

From this episode, my desire is that you will experience HOPE in that no matter what obstacles you are facing that you, too, will become an OVERCOMER!

Be sure to join me! 


Kelli Claypool

Host of DivaTalkRadio