Brian Sanders tackles the beliefs (and the old science) that red meat is bad for our hearts. Five recent studies show clear evidence that red meat does not put us at a higher risk for colon cancer and heart disease. He touches on how certain industries control the conversation of food quality for profit. And he discusses how regenerative farming practices hold the key to healthier food and a healthier planet.

Key takeaways

1:15   Is red meat bad for your heart or your colon?

2:21    What the 5 recent studies show 

3:54    What’s the agenda for these health organizations

5:12    There’s a lot of money to be made in processed foods

8:22    The cholesterol myth

9:36    Regenerative farming practices

13:52 Relying on others for your information

14:06 Cows burps are the problem?

16:55 The methane cycle

21:55  The downstream effects of industrial farming

23:22 The Food lies series

You can find Brian Sanders here

Nose to Tail

Food Lies Documentary

Peak Human Podcast

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