Your skin is arguably the largest organ in the body and absorbs the things it comes into contact with. This is true for the skin care products we apply to our bodies daily.

Unfortunately, most skin care products on the market are harmful to our skin and overall health. They contain chemicals and heavy metals that enter our bloodstream and lead to a myriad of health problems.

Chronic exposure to these chemicals through regular application of these cosmetic products is causing cancer, chronic skin problems, reproductive issues, gut health problems, etc.

In this episode, I am joined by Alexis McClay, Co-Owner of KOA Life, to discuss the harmful effects of using the wrong skin care products and what we can do instead.

We explore a holistic skincare approach involving a healthy lifestyle, gut health, bio hacks, nutrition, proper rest, and natural skin care products.

One key takeaway from this episode is that If you are going to use a skincare product, make sure you understand the ingredients used. Avoid heavy metals such as mercury and carcinogens such as formaldehyde, common in many cosmetic products on the market.

Tune in to this discussion to learn more about taking good care of your skin and overall health through some practical and simple steps.

Key Takeaways

- Alexis McClay's background (02:01)

- How toxic chemicals enter and impact the body (05:35)

- Most common toxic chemicals in cosmetic products (07:12)

- Dealing with the root causes of skin problems (12:05)

- Natural skin care products (16:56)

- The importance of gut health to good skin (19:23)

- How poor-quality sleep impacts your skin (24:11)

- Holistic approach to skincare (28:00)

- Sunscreen – to use or not to use (32:12)

Additional Resources

KOA LIFE would love for you to try their nourishing skincare, so they've offered a promo for our listeners  

FREE best-seller Vit-C Brightening cleanser ($30 value) + FREE shipping on orders $49 and up

- KOA Life On Amazon 


- Do you want to improve your health? Learn More Here


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