Dr. Cilla Whatcott teaches homeopathy and educates on how natural immunity is developed in children. She explains what homeopathy is and how it’s different. How we should view our healing responses. And how homeopathy works with our symbiotic relationship with microbes.

Key takeaways


2:00     Cilla’s first encounters with homeopathy

3:26     What is homeopathy

6:35 The healing response is necessary

9:42    Reminding the body’s immunity

11:22 Distinguishing self from non-self

16:55   Our symbiotic relationship with microbes

20:16 What is your susceptibility?

22:06 The newborn protocol

25:26 Adult homeopathy

27:55 Childhood diseases

33:34   How cell salts are made

34:59   The Real Immunity film series


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You can find Dr. Cilla Whatcott here

Real Immunity

And on Instagram here