The ideal response of our immune system to foreign threats lies in having a balanced reaction. An excess of reaction may lead to autoimmune conditions, while insufficient reaction may result in sickness. Our focus when it comes to food should be on the nutrients and ingredients that aid in developing a robust immune system, and those that facilitate the elimination of waste and the repair of any damage.

When we eat real, whole, and seasonal foods, it is easy to consume a diet that is rich in the ingredients we need to support our overall health. The key is to give the body what it needs to support itself.

In this week's podcast, I will be discussing essential foods and nutrients that are crucial for maintaining a strong immune system. Additionally, I will be providing an example of a day's worth of meals that support immunity.

To read the full blog post here.

A huge thank you to the podcast sponsor, Revive Active, Ireland's leading Super Supplement Brand, Their award-winning powder formulas are designed with everyday well-being in mind.

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