S8 Ep9 Streamed live, May, 2022.   Whoops, I told you I needed a break this past spring. I never got this out to folks. Recorded mid-may I believe.  Links Ursula Vernon   Mur on Twitter, Youtube, website  Matt on Twitter, YouTube, website Support via Patreon Twitch schedule for July 11-15: 11th Monday 12pm: Ditch Diggers with Ursula Vernon 12th Tuesday 3pm: I Should Be Writing 13th Wednesday 3pm: Thousand Year Old Vampire Solo RPG 14th Thursday 3pm: I Should Be Writing All times EDT

May something, 2022 | Season 8 Ep 9 | murverse.com
Copyright 2022, Mur Lafferty and Matt Wallace | CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License

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