Many of us will spend a significant proportion of our careers navigating through the jobs market. From applying for our first job to looking for that breakthrough promotion. Join us as we discuss the ins and outs of the jobs market & recruitment in general!

>What to tell & not to tell recruiters?
>How to spot a bad recruiter & a good one?
>Questions to ask when you are looking for work?
>CV & application tips
>How to deal with sexism, micro-aggressions in the work place

Any questions, comments or equiries? [email protected]

Shout outs:

@MinaDTweets - Twitter
@Bola_Sol - Twitter

@Th3Conversation - Twitter
@thecnvrstn - Soundcloud
[email protected]

@demoballingPB - Twitter
@Demoballing - IG learn how to trade the forex markets!

@refinedcurrency - twitter To change the way you think about money!

My podcasts are mastered by the excellent Complex Studios. For more information check them out!
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Many of us will spend a significant proportion of our careers navigating through the jobs market. From applying for our first job to looking for that breakthrough promotion. Join us as we discuss the ins and outs of the jobs market & recruitment in general!

>What to tell & not to tell recruiters?
>How to spot a bad recruiter & a good one?
>Questions to ask when you are looking for work?
>CV & application tips
>How to deal with sexism, micro-aggressions in the work place

Any questions, comments or equiries? [email protected]

Shout outs:

@MinaDTweets - Twitter
@Bola_Sol - Twitter

@Th3Conversation - Twitter
@thecnvrstn - Soundcloud
[email protected]

@demoballingPB - Twitter
@Demoballing - IG learn how to trade the forex markets!

@refinedcurrency - twitter To change the way you think about money!

My podcasts are mastered by the excellent Complex Studios. For more information check them out!

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