In Episode 135 of District of Conservation, Gabriella discusses some new bills just introduced in Congress relating to wildlife conservation, public lands, and gun rights. 

Bills Discussed in This Episode: 

H.R. 286 - Gray Wolf Removal from ESA & DOI Delisting Order on Lower 48 Wolf

H.R.247 Public Lands

H.R.218 To prohibit future moratoriums on new federal oil & gas permits on federal lands)

H.R.59 Fishery management

H.R. 47 Increase public access on federal lands

H.R. 167 So-called gun show loophole

H.R. 127 Licensing for firearms and ammo - very bad

H.R. 95 Hearing Protection Act (aka deregulate suppressors)

H.R. 125 Seven-Day Waiting Period for Guns and Ammo (bad)

H.R. 38 Concealed Carry Reciprocity 


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